Faculty of Geography and Geosciences
This webpage is designed to stimulate your interest in the University of Trier, especially in the broad research and teaching profile of its Faculty of Geography and Geosciences.
Our faculty consists of eighteen different sub-disciplines, with more than a hundred academic staff, plus a further thirty part-time lecturers from planning and consulting companies and institutions who bring their practical experience every semester to an applied and modern environmental education and training.
We have an excellent faculty library with more than 300 national and international journals, well equipped laboratories, and a range of annual excursions both inside and outside Germany: all extra reasons to study Geography in Trier.
Currently we offer six training and career perspectives in six different programmes of regional and environmental studies. These are “Applied Physical Geography”, “Applied Environmental Science”, “Applied Biogeography”, and “Applied Geography” with a focus either on Local Development, Spatial Planning and Development, or Tourism.
In addition we are developing a Masters´s programme in “Environmental Assessment, Technology and Management”.
Alongside these applied and practical programmes, we have a further programme which trains young and qualified people as school teachers.
Around 1,500 students study in these various programmes. This all makes Trier one of the three largest institutions in geographical and ecological education and research in Germany.
Since 1996 we have been systematically developing contacts with other European partner universities, in order to encourage both European ways of thinking and also international research activities. In this way, future research cooperation and joint projects can enhance the role of geographical studies in politics and society. Here the SOCRATES/ERASMUS programme offers a first class framework!
We are proud of our present contacts with nineteen European universities in ten different countries, and plan to further develop and encourage this European network.
You are cordially invited to get to know the University of Trier, with its variety of educational and scientific programmes, as well as its surrounding countryside and people.
Come and talk to our students. Europe will come closer only when we recognize the opportunities which are offered by the broadening of our national perspectives.
We wish to thank everyone whose ideas have contributed to the first edition of this webpage. We welcome critical and constructive comments for a future addition, and will be very grateful if you tell us what further information you would find useful.
We are looking forward to meet you The Faculty of Geography and Geosciences at Trier University