You are here: Geography Geography for Teachers  
Economic and Social Geography
Geography for Teachers
Geography of Tourism
Human and Regional Geography
Local Development
Spatial Planning and Development
Physical Geography


The subject Geography for Teachers was established in 1970. Teaching and research is mainly directed of improving the teaching of Geography at different school levels. Therefore, it offers lectures and teaching courses mainly for trainee teachers. Some of the courses can be taken by Diploma and Magister students as well.

The number of trainee teacher students is about 30 per academic year. Due to this, there are mainly small study groups and close relations between students and lecturers.


Gina is bilingual - that means that she can say the same thing twice, but you can only understand it once.


According to the examination regulations the Study Programme of the subject Geography for Teachers concentrates on the following objectives:

Teacher students should develop knowledge and understanding of

· concepts and themes of geography
· the social contexts of education and teaching
· the different learning processes and
· the main curriculum principles

skills of
· planning educational processes
· selecting and using appropriate media and teaching resources
· application of evaluation
· methods, values and attitudes that foster, e.g. the potential of geography, with respect to educational processes

focuses on two topics:

· the improvement of geographical environmental education, especially the contribution of geography of environmental education in secondary schools
· developing concepts of Teaching Geography in English

The following courses are offered regularly once per academic year:

· Introduction to the Teaching of Geography I
· Introduction to Teaching of Geography II
· Fundamentals of Environmental Education

· Introduction to the Teaching of Geography
· Teaching Geography – Topics and Methods

In addition, the students of the subject of Geography for Teachers are involved in the Teaching Programme of Regional Geography (e.g. Horn of Africa) and Human Geography (e.g. Geography of Settlements).

Since the academic year 2000/01 students of the subjects Geography and English are having the opportunity to participate in special courses leading to a certificate “Teaching Geography in English/Bilingual Teaching”.For further information about Geography for Teachers please contact

Head of Department
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hoffmann
+49 (0)651 201-4542

Dr. Christiane Meyer
+49 (0)651 201-4531

Homepage Geography for Teachers