In addition to the establishment of the diploma course “Applied Geography” in 1977, the possibility arose to specialise in tourism at the University of Trier. Approximately 450 students specialise in this field, making the University of Trier the most popular German university for studying Tourism.
The diploma course Applied Geography is primarily a geography-orientated course of study. The foundation is laid in the basic course of studies, meaning that only three courses including specific tourism topics are offered:
Lectures · Introduction to Geography of Tourism
Seminar · Geography of Tourism
Field study of Applied Geography · with emphasis on Geography of Tourism
National economics and the more popular business administration are compulsory subsidiary subjects in the basic course of studies.
During the main course of studies, the following tourism courses are also offered:
· Seminar on Geography of Tourism · Research Project (2 terms) Geography of Tourism · Research Seminar (1 term) Geography of Tourism · An excursion for at least two weeks duration with emphasis on Geography of Tourism, including a seminar on Regional Geography · Workshop on Tourism Marketing · Workshop on Tourism and Heritage Conservation · Workshop on Information Technology in Tourism
The offered Research Project and the Research Seminar are of special relevance, as students get firsthand experience for their subsequent field of work during the practical projects chosen. Also the workshops on ‘Tourism Marketing´ and ‘Information Technology in Tourism´ impart the latest developments in Tourism. Furthermore, during the three-month work placement usually at two different institutes, students have the opportunity to make important contacts for their professional future.
Therefore, Geography of Tourism contributes the following aspects to the geographical education:
· Specialist application in a future orientated field of Geography · Possibility of a tourism course of study (excluding the areas of hotel and travel agency management) · Philosophy of Tourism based on the principles of sustainability
Currently the most important research fields are the following:
· Cultural tourism · Artificial worlds (holiday resorts, theme parks) · health and spa tourism · Sustainable Development
During the past few years, Sustainable Development has established itself as the guiding philosophy for the study Geography of Tourism.
Graduates find jobs mainly in the following areas:
· Tourism information services (Tourist Information Centres, Spa Centres) · Tour planning/operations · Tourism Consulting
For further information about the Geography of Tourism please contact
Head of Department Prof. Dr. Christoph Becker E-Mail: becker@uni-trier.de + 49 (0)651 201-4582
Staff Dr. Anja Brittner-Widmann E-Mail: brittner.widmann@uni-trier.de + 49 (0)651 201-4586
Dipl.-Geogr. Achim Schröder E-Mail: achim.schroeder@uni-trier.de + 49 (0)651 201-4552
Secretary Ilse Richter E-Mail: richteri@uni-trier.de + 49 (0)651 201-4581
Homepage Geography of Tourism