During the study of climatology emphasis is put on learning the interactions between the geospheres and the resulting networks of ecosystems. The properties and the scale of data with respect to the state of the atmosphere demand the statistical description of their spatial and temporal variation. Therefore, the skills of applying appropriate statistical procedures and methods are an important goal of the programme.
The data collected by various observing systems (e.g. surface-based observation networks, aerological soundings, airborne measurements, weather satellite platforms) serve as initial and boundary values as well as for verification of complete simultations from numerical meteorological models. For this purpose the students acquire expertise on the data structure,accuracy and capability of their representation.
In the subject of Climatology the students obtain, both during the first (basic-) and second part (main-) of study, an education based on the physics of the atmosphere and physics of the global climate system. It does not matter whether the choice is made to graduate in the course ‘Applied Physical Geography’ or in the course ‘Applied Environmental Sciences’. The individual parts are composed of the Fundamentals of Meteorology and Climatology, Urban and Local Climate, Dispersion of Pollutants in the Atmosphere and Application of Numerical Models for the computations of air temperature and wind field in the atmospheric boundary layer.
Tutorials and practical studies impart specific knowledge on meteorological measurement techniques and allow insight into satellite meteorology concerning the background of global environment monitoring.
A two week research field course focuses on data sampling with a mobile measuring platform, with automatic weather stations and with a tethered balloon for the sounding of the lower part of the atmospheric boundary layer in urban areas and their surroundings. In further practical training, spatially related data are collected and processed as well as numerical simulations for current research projects.
At the Meteorological Site of the Department of Climatology most of the meteorological elements are measured and analysed continuously, completed by measurements on a 10m high meteorological mast. In addition to this, special measurements of short-wave radiation fluxes are carried out and turbulent fluxes in the near surface layer are measured with a Bowen-Ratio System.Currently research is focused on the following fields: the climate of the region and City of Trier in the framework of an extensive interdisciplinary research programme of the University of Trier (Collaborative Research Center 522 “Environment and Region”), urban planning under climatological aspects, analysis of the interaction between atmospheric and hydrologic processes and sea ice in the Siberian Arctic, climatological interpretation of emission concentration of air pollutants in the ZIMEN – network and analysis of the spatio-temporal structure of precipitation during floods of the Moselle and Rhine rivers.
Prospective jobs for which thorough knowledge in climatology is presupposed or at least helpful are in environmental care, environmental consulting and monitoring in authorities, environmental agencies, governmental research institutes as well as in the private sector. In addition to this, job opportunities exist in the branches of water management and use of alternative energy sources (solar energy, wind energy). Environmental education is also suitable employment for graduates with a specialised education in Climatology as a major or minor subject.
Head of Department Prof. Dr. Alfred Helbig E-Mail: helbig@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-4623
Staff Dipl.-Geogr. Jörg Bareiss E-Mail: bareiss@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-4621
Dipl.-Geogr. Klaus Görgen E-Mail: goer6102@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-4630
Dipl.-Geogr. Marcus Schneider E-Mail: marcus.schneider@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-4622
Secretary Ute Metzen E-Mail: metzen@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-4624
Homepage Climatology