The Department of Soil Science was founded in 1981 as part of the course of study “Applied Physical Geography”. Since 1995, a second course of study with an emphasis on nine geosciences besides soil science has been implemented: “Applied Environmental Sciences”.
Soil science is one of the most popular subjects. On average, 30 – 50 students per year major in soil science. This makes comprehensive research studies and lectures as well as seminars and exercises possible.
The head of department, Prof. Dr. Schröder teaches the following topics: principals of soil science, regional soil science and soil protection. Dr. Niemeyer teaches soil chemistry, Dr. Emmerling is responsible for questions of soil biology and agricultural ecology. Dr. Schneider is involved in soil physics, soil mechanics, and micro morphology. Beyond the permanent staff, two Ph.D. students offer additional courses and enhance the soil scientific activities.
A main focus is on interdisciplinary integration of adjoining disciplines such as environmental law, environmental economy, environmental politics, and additional society relevant fields.
Soil scientific research comprises soil genesis, soil fertility, soil contamination, reclamation of soils, soil erosion, soil consolidation, soil remediation, and functional and structural diversity of soil organisms.
The Soil Science Department offers a wide range of under-graduate and graduate courses in the Master programmes Applied Environmental Sciences (AUW) and Applied Physical Geography (APG).
Courses of the undergraduate programme (lectures, field trips, laboratory work): · Introduction to Soil Science · Soils of Europe · Soil Physics · Pedology
The Department of Soil Science also offers graduate instruction leading to the Diploma. Programmes of study focus either on Soil Chemistry, Soil Biology or Soil Conservation. Studies include lectures as well as laboratory work.
The occupational outlook has changed significantly during recent years. Nevertheless, environmental affairs offer very diverse occupational fields, especially, when soil scientists also have thorough knowledge of informatics, environmental law, environmental economy etc.. This “new” knowledge can be achieved during the studies of “Applied Environmental Sciences” providing job opportunities at authorities, research institutes, universities, engineering companies, waste industries, remediation companies, insurance companies etc.. New, consulting jobs in private enterprises and industries as well as data processing and international authorities are of great interest for diploma holders.
Head of Department Prof. Dr. Dietmar Schröder E-Mail: schroedd@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-2241
Staff Prof. Dr. Jürgen Niemeyer E-Mail: niemeyer@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-2367
Dr. Christoph Emmerling E-Mail: emmerling@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-2238
Dr. Raimund Schneider E-Mail: schneider@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201 2246
Homepage Soil Science