The Geology Department at the University of Trier was established in 1978 and works on different topics of general and applied geology. The activity of the geology department focuses on the geology and hydrogeology of the Trier region, ground water protection, remediation of waste disposal and polluted sites, optimisation of sealing systems for landfill basal and cover liners as well as cut-off walls (permeability, long term stability and retention capacity) and the transport and retention of pollutants in the subsoil of landfills.
Problems of engineering geology are treated in the area of stress measurement, mass movement and structural geology.
The geology department has a consultant function in the areas of polluted site remediation, construction of landfill liners, groundwater exploration and the mapping of protection zones for drinking water.
Geology is part of the diploma curricula of the courses Applied Environmental Sciences and Applied Physical Geography. About 30 – 40 students of these courses register in geology as main or subsidiary subject a year.
The main aim of geology is to teach basic knowledge of general and regional geology, mineralogy and petrology for undergraduates and basic knowledge of applied geology (engineering, environmental and hydrogeology), sedimentology and geochemistry for graduate students. Special knowledge on waste disposal techniques, soil contamination and soil remediation, clay mineralogy is important for possible professional fields.
Lectures and laboratory courses · Introduction to geology · Introduction to mineralogy and petrology · Introduction to geochemistry · Engineering geology · Hydrogeology · Sedimentology · Regional Geology of Europe · Landfilling technique and soil remediation · Clay mineralogy and sedimentology
Field courses · Geology mapping · Geotechnic mapping and field testing methods · Tidal flats environment of the Northern Sea
Head of Department Prof. Dr. Jean-Frank Wagner E-Mail: wagnerf@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-4648
Staff Dr. Rolf Kilian E-Mail: kilian@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-4644
Dr. Horst Baumann E-Mail: baumann@uni-trier.de +49 (0)651 201-4639
Secretary Birgit Imade +49 (0)651 201-4647
Homepage Geology